New member of Newgrounds here! Just decided to make an account on a new platform.
If you're wondering what I do. . .well, it's sort of sporadic actually, not really anything centralized. One time I'll be writing something and then the next is imagery. I just figured that a Newgrounds account would kind of help me centralize all my randomness into one single hub instead of having it all spread out across multiple platforms [DeviantArt, Wattpad, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, etc.]
You may or may not enjoy the things that I upload. If you do, thanks for the support! If not then I might understand why depending on the circumstances, but anyways. . .
Hope to be able to explore this website and see what's going on!
Good day/evening/night to the reader
Sincerely, Vapora Gh0st ~ 11/26/2022 1:22 AM EST